Before you enroll in a swim course, you need a user on The user must be created in your (parent) name and you’ll register the chilld/ children later in the process. The information entered in tryggivann is used only in connection with swimming activities. Information will never be passed on to third parties.
How to register a user in
In the right corner of, there is a menu link. Click on this link and choose «Logg inn» from the menu list.1.
In the Log in page, you will find a link below the blue button that says «Ny bruker? Registrer deg her.» Click on this to start register a user.
You are ready to enter personal information Type in your e-mail address and your birth date. Remember to click to accept terms of use. Click on the button that says «Neste steg» (next step).
Now you’ll be asked to register information about yourself:
- «Fornavn» = first name
- «Etternavn» = surname
- «Adresse» = adresse
- «Postnr» = zip code
- «Poststed» = postal
- «Mobil» = mobile phone
- «Kjønn» = sex (kvinne = female, mann = male)
Please click on «Opprett bruker» (create a user) when you have given all required information.
A pop-up window will appear. You are asked to retype your e-mail and set a password. You will be asked to set the password twice to minimize the possibility of register the wrong password/e-mail.
When you have entered all the information, please click on the button «Opprett bruker» to create a user.
The user is created, and a new pop-up window will appear. You are now to enter an activation code. The activation code is sent to you on e-mail (or SMS if you prefer). Enter the code in the pop-up window
If you have trouble entering the code, or you haven’t received an e-mail or SMS with the activation code, you need to contact us: Please check if you have received the activation code e-mail in you junk/ spam mailbox.
Logging in for the first time:
When you have activated the account, you can log in to Enter your username and password, and you are ready to choose a course.
If you tried to enroll into a course before registration and are now logged in, you will be forwarded to the course you wanted to sign up for. You will also have access to “Min side (my page)”. Here you can access and can change your personal information if needed. You can also see your invoices and the courses you are signed in to.
Forgotten your password?
If you forget your password, you can get a new system generated password. Go to the «Logg inn» page and click on the link “Glemt password (forgotten password). Enter your username and the security code to ensure that you’re not a computer and click on the button «Send nytt passord» (send a new password).
A new password will be sent to your e-mail. The password is created by random characters. Enter your username and new password and click on “Logg inn”.
If this is difficult to remember, you can choose to change the password to a password of your choice. You need to logg in to with the system generated password before you can change the password to one easier to remember. Then go to «Min side». On bottom of the page you will find the link «Endre passord» (change password). Click on this, enter the old password first, type your new password and retype your new password. Click on the button «Endre passord» and your password has been changed.